Transforming Lives Through Intuition &
The Power of Sound

Welcome to Grove Circle Healing

I'm Chris Young-Ginzburg, and with over 20 years of experience as a professional clairvoyant, coach, and sound healer, I love blending my expertise into the services I offer.

Through my Intuitive Coaching services, I assist individuals in unlocking their own intuitive skills for life transformation.  

Additionally, I teach individuals to express themselves through movement, sound, and voice activation in my workshops and classes, and I offer sound healing experiences for groups, corporations and retreats.

Services I Offer

A few different packages to empower your whole being.

Intuitive Coaching

Elevate your life with personalized intuitive coaching, guiding you to unlock your inner wisdom and navigate life's challenges with clarity and empowerment.

Sound Healing

Experience deep relaxation, emotional release, and inner balance with my transformative sound healing services, utilizing instruments and vocal harmonics, attuned to heal the body, mind, and spirit.

Sound & Voice Activation Class

Experience a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment through sound healing exercises, vocal toning, and meditation in my Sound & Voice Activation class.

“Chris is an amazing healer and a wonderful person. She is very empathetic, approachable, and has an incredible way to connect with people. She not only has worked on my energy but also has coached me to turn my life from a dead-end rut to a more exciting and focused to the "present" one. ”
Nancy L.

Intuitive Coaching

Live a life of creative expression, fulfillment and joy!

Whether you're seeking clarity on your life path, guidance in relationships, or simply looking to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself, all my different coaching services provide a safe space for exploration and growth.

Through intuitive insights, practical strategies, and compassionate support, my intention is to empower your true potential by teaching you how to utilize your own intuitive insights for healing and to live a life you truly desire! 

Sound Healing

Elevate your spirit and body with the healing melodies of sound.

Dive into a transformative journey of healing and relaxation with sound healing. Using vocal song and harmonics, crystal sound bowls, gongs, and more, I guide you into a state of soothing calmness, promoting deep relaxation, stress relief, and emotional balance.

Whether you're seeking relief from stress and anxiety, improved sleep, or simply a moment of tranquility, my experiences offer an enlivening approach to well-being suitable for individuals of all backgrounds, ages and levels of experience.

Sound & Voice Activation Class

Unleash your voice as a catalyst for personal growth and empowerment!

Experience the transformative power of Sound and Voice Activation!

Through a unique blend of sound healing exercises and tools, vocal toning, body movement and meditation, I guide you on a journey to unleash your creativity and embrace your authentic voice with confidence. Experience this in a class setting or through personal one on one coaching.

Upcoming Events

Exciting opportunities for growth, healing and exploration.
In-Person Class
July 25th, 7pm
Soft Medicine Sanctuary, Sebastopol

Sound & Voice Activation: Voice of the Chakras- The Root

Join me for "The Voice of the Chakra System: The Root" on Thrs. July 25th at 7pm in Sebastopol. Discover how grounding your energy can help you find your true voice. We'll explore sound healing techniques, unlock deep-rooted stability, and empower authentic expression. Experience the transformative power of sound and song!

Membership Classes
First class begins July 26th, 2024

Become a Grove Circle Member

If you're looking to work with me affordably, I have the perfect option! I’ve created a monthly membership program in a group setting. All classes will be online and archived for those who can’t attend live sessions. The program includes coaching questions for deeper engagement, a monthly prayer circle for those in need, and more! Check out the link if you're interested. The first class starts on July 26th at 10AM Pacific, and there are perks for the first 10 members, which are going quickly!

Let's Get Started

Contact for a complimentary discovery call or further details regarding my services

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